Foh mixing workshop
Za laskavé podpory Meetfactory o.p.s. pořádáme workshop zaměřený na mixážní techniky FOH. Workshop bude probíhat po dva dny v omezené...

Multitrack recording of a band Vees for Vodafone Ad
We have been recording live multitrack of a band Vees performing live onset for Vodafone advert this March. Agency:McCann...
Spring tour of Skwor just started
Spring tour of czech popular band Skwor just started and first few shows are already sold out. I work as an FOH engineer already about 6...
Visa Europe Apple Pay ad
I was recording sound of drums for VISA Europe Apple pay ad. Drummer was Lloyd Ryan. The percussionist, who has led his own big band...

Audified SceneBox
I am excited to participate on development of new digital mixer for sound instalations. I beta test and request features for this...

Martin Audio MLA Compact and MLA Mini Training
I have been attended Martin audio MLA Compact and MLA Mini training. Thanks to Andrew Davies for all the valuable information and insight...
Škwor released new album and goes on tour
Czech popular hardpop band released their new album "Hledání identity" and started preparation for upcoming tour. I was participating on...