Upcoming Tour with Hidden Orchestra
I am happy to anounce that in november and December I am again on tour with this amazing band.
Check out dates and teaser for their London show.
Flying: 14.11 Thessaloniki
15.11 Athens (may have swapped days with Thessaloniki)
18.11 Prague
19.11 Kosice
20.11 Istanbul
21.11 Sofia
29.11 Delhi
5 days in Mumbai with a showcase gig
05.12 Bangalore
06.12 Pune
Driving: 10.12 B-Opwijk/Nijdrop 11.12 F-Gennevilier/Le Tamanoir 12.12 D-Wiesbaden/Landesmuseum 13.12 CH-Bern/Dachstock 14.12 CH-Zürich/Moods 15.12 D-Hildesheim/Kufa 16.12 D-Nürnberg/Desi (unconfirmed) 17.12 AT-Innsbruck/Treibhaus 18.12 D-Dresden/Tonne 19.12 D-Mannheim/Alte Feuerwache